[Tutorial Video] Reports Feature
Reports Feature
interVal’s new Reports Feature gives advisors the flexibility to customize the insights that are shared with a business owner client.
With this feature, advisors can prioritize the information that they want included in the report, edit recommendations within the Key Metrics cards, and save historical reports on-platform.
This article will walk you through the steps to create, customize, and save a report for a business owner client.
1. Once the financial data has been processed, visit the Reports tab within the business to begin.
2. click the purple Create New Report button.
3. When creating a new report you will have two options, starting from a blank report, or using a template.
When creating a report using a template, there are two options. One for Key Metrics, and one for Valuation Highlights, that includes both the valuation card and Timeline.
4. To create a customized report, click the Create Blank Report button.
5. Enter a title for the report and click Create Report.
6. To start adding cards, click the Add New Card button.
7. Using the Valuation and Key Metrics dropdowns, select the cards you would like included in the report.
8. Within a report you have the ability to remove and reorder the cards.
9. Within the Key Metrics cards, the platform will pre-populate suggested commentary that can be edited to include your own advice or professional judgment.
10. Click the Download PDF button, to share a copy with your client.
11. You can manage all of your historical reports from the Reports Tab, creating a library of information about the business.
As new data is uploaded to the platform, you can create updated reports to share with your client, while maintaining access to all of the historical data and notes for reference.