Navigating Your Business Client List
[Tutorial Video] Navigating Your Business Clients List
Navigating Your Business Client List
Within your business list, you will see different statuses to tell you where that client is in their interVal platform experience. These statuses consist of the following five options:
Onboarding: the business owner has accepted the invitation and created their account. They are in the process of onboarding.
Processing: the business owner has submitted financials for analysis. The valuation will be available within two (2) business days. Both you and your client will receive
an email when it’s complete.
Revenue Band: the business owner used Express Setup during onboarding to receive a Valuation Benchmark. To receive a valuation for the business, you or your client
can upload financial data.
Manual: the business owner has uploaded financial data and the analysis is complete.
Cloud: the business owner made a cloud connection and the analysis is complete.
From your business clients list, using the Actions tab you have the ability to upload financial statements for your client, or invite an owner to create an account and view their completed analysis.
The actions menu will have different options depending on the clients status.

To view an analysis for a client, simply click the business name to go to their profile.