How do I set a valuation goal?

Setting a Valuation Goal With Timeline

What It Is:

Timeline is a platform feature that allows a user to set a valuation goal for the business and track their progress over time.

A user can set a valuation goal and define the time period within which they would like to achieve their goal. As they return to the platform and provide updated accounting data, their Timeline will be updated to indicate where they are performing in relation to their goal.

How To Do It:

To set a valuation goal, you must have received at least one valuation analysis on the platform. If you have only received your Valuation Benchmark, follow these steps to provide your accounting data for analysis and unlock the Timeline feature.
Log in to the platform at

From your Dashboard, click either the Timeline button in the lefthand menu, or the Go to Timeline button in the Action Items list.

Business Owner Dashboard

To set a valuation goal, click the Set Goal button.

Set Goal

In the text box, set your valuation goal amount. Next, use the slider to indicate the year that you would like to achieve this goal. Once you have provided the information, click the Submit button.

Setting Your Goal

Verify that the information you have provided is accurate. To continue, click the Go To Timeline button. To change your goal, click the Edit Goal button to return to the previous screen.

Summary Screen

The Timeline page will plot the suggested path for your business to achieve the goal within your desired timeframe.

As you continue to provide the platform with updated accounting data, your Timeline chart will update to showcase where your business is performing in relation to your goal.

You can visit this page at any time and use the Edit Goal button to chart a new path.

Valuation Timeline