Adding Client Financials After Express Setup
Once your business owner client onboards using Express Setup, their dashboard will display a Valuation Benchmark based on their top-line revenue they provided. They will not yet have a valuation analysis available, as no financial data has been received.
On the Business Clients tab you will see a list of your current clients on the interVal platform. A business whose status is Revenue Band has a Valuation Benchmark available, and can have financials uploaded on their behalf.
Once you have identified the client you would like to upload financials for, click the Actions button and select Upload Files.
Follow the on-screen prompts to upload financial data for your client. The platform can accept up to 5 years of data, in any of the following types:
Trial Balance Report (CSV or XLS format)
Year-End Financial Statements (PDF format)
Caseware Trial Balance Export (CVS or XLS format)
Once you have attached the files, click the purple Submit Files button.
The data import will be completed within two (2) business days. Both you and your client will be informed via email once the analysis is ready for you to review.